Have a lot of empty journals lying around? Do not waste them! The unique journals can be used for bullet journaling, habit tracking, life planning, and just about anything else. Here are 10 entertaining and useful ways to put your extra blank and half-used notebooks to use!
Getting a brand new Boxyfont journal is one of the most wonderful experiences. There is so much potential and freedom! Opening the front cover and feeling the paper in your hands can be an amazing experience. But it may also be very intimidating! The blankness of the first page might be daunting at times, making you feel as if you’re about to trash something magnificent. You might be tempted to keep this lovely journal on your shelf.
10 Ways You Can Use Boxyfont Journal
Are you a hobby enthusiast? Then keep a unique journal; of your hobby-related ideas or a work desk friendly notebook! Sketch out preliminary plans, measure for projects, and make a list of objects you’ll need or want to acquire later. This way, you can keep track of everything you’ve done and avoid forgetting important data.
Dream Diary
Are you curious about the meaning of your dreams? Trying to learn how to have lucid dreams? Then a dream notebook is essential! Keep a tiny blank notepad near your bed and record your nightly activities when you wake up.
If you have a blank notebook with no lines or grids, it’s ideal for a sketchbook!
Daily Events
Some people prefer to keep a personal record of their daily activities, and a blank notebook is ideal for that. Write a few phrases on your day activities, such as who you saw, what you ate, and what you worked on. Over time, you might identify trends in your life and get valuable insights!
Lettering Practice Book
Interested in hand lettering? You understand that practice is necessary for improvement, so why not use one of your blank notebooks? Get out your pens or sketch pens and go crazy practicing!
Brush writing is a fantastic technique that is simple to master; all you need is the necessary resources to learn the proper way. If you are
Vision Journal
Have you heard of a vision board? Imagine that in a notebook! Write out your wildest fantasies about your best life. Cut out photographs from magazines, paste in pictures of yourself, add stickers, and let your imagination run wild.
Food Journal
Health is an extremely vital aspect of life, therefore commit a blank notepad to the cause! Keep track of what you eat, and how much water you drink, and even create a permanent grocery list to bring with you to the store. If you like to count calories, include that information in your meal journal. It’s an excellent way to monitor what you consume!
Gardening Journal
A gardening journal is ideal for people with a green thumb. Keep a careful inventory of your houseplants, patio plants, and food garden plants. Make a timetable so you know when your monstera was last watered and when your string of pearls was fertilized. If you want to keep your plants healthy and happy, a gardening journal is a fantastic option.
Memory Book
Use a blank notebook to record important events in your life, embellishing them with photos or drawings. Treat it as an informal scrapbook, documenting significant life events, vacations, and other cherished memories. This can be given to someone you care about, such as your children, or kept for yourself. Large notebooks, without lines, work great for this!
Bullet Journal
I would be negligent to not include the bullet journal! This is a great planning/journaling technique that will assist you in becoming more organized. You can make it as fun or flowery as you want, and it works perfectly with any old blank notebook you have lying around.
Spiritual Journal
You may track and plan your entire spiritual journey in a single journal. Make a list of prayers, meditations, Tarot card spreads, hymns, holiday preparations, and whatever else comes to mind. This is ideal for any notebook that you feel particularly drawn to!
While this list includes ten wonderful ways to use your diary, the possibilities are endless! The Boxyfont Journal gives you unlimited flexibility to do whatever you want. And don’t think you have to keep a notepad dedicated to only one use! These unique notebooks and journals will make you want to enjoy the process of writing.
Mix and blend whatever you want to meet your demands and get the most enjoyment out of your paper pal. If you’re worried about writing on that first frightening page, read this post on perfection and overcoming the first hurdle to utilizing a blank notebook. So, with your pen in hand, write whatever feels right to you. Now, get out there and create something wonderful!